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one of the most verstile scrapbooking (and more) items is the Cricut machine by provocraft. BUT, the cartridges you have to buy to run the thing are soooo expensive, they really add up! The solution? Craft Edges "sure cuts alot". It is a great little utility that works with your cricut machine, and lets you cut anything you want! Now some people are not that handy with making files to cut, but there are a million sites out there that sell their designs for mere pennies. If I ever get any free time, I may decide to sell mine, but lucky for you, I am lazy, and hence, I am giving away the files I do have.:D If you want to download a free program called inkscape (www.inkscape.net) you can learn to make your own svg file formats, and then you will be able to cut your own graphics. In the mean time, hope you enjoy some of mine!

Downloads below

posted is the picture just click on it, and it will take you to the download. Sorry, the downloads are in .rar format, you must use a .rar to unzip them, I do not have one to do regular .zip format.

Alot of my files are very intricate. cutting speeds vary. The most intricate ones, I cut on pressure of high, speed med and dial pressure 5 or 6. This is for cardstock. Paper will use less settings.

(note) When I first started making these, I used images and stuff I found on the net. I tried not to use those, Mary, please accept my apology, your images have been removed.


polkadotflowers polkadodscallop



forrest border






birdie birdsilo bracketbox


butterfly cageoutline owl

fleur floralcut flower

doodlemesh flowerscallop


heart turtle mickemesh


owl1 starmesh

Check back frequently, more to come as I go!