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About Us

I am Shellie, and my "partner" is dh John. Scrappinfun has been around a long time, since about 2001. It is just now we have decided to dip our toes into the retail market offering scrapbooking kits at reasonable prices. I have belong to various kit clubs through the years, and the one thing I didn't like was HAVING to belong to a club and gt every single kit every month, when there were products I STILL have sitting in my room because they just were not my style. There were not any clubs out there where I could pick what I wanted, and only buy the kit I wanted, so we decided to start our own!

I have been scrapbooking for over 10 years, so it's not like I am coming into the market not knowing what seasoned (and beginner) scrapbookers want! I hope to offer some ideas, and lots of fun stuff!

What about the Fonts?

This site orginally started as a font foundry. My Great Grandmother had left alot of writings and various scrapbooks, and I wanted to be able to preserve her writing in a font, and even use it in some journaling on heritage pages. so I bought a program, and turned her writings into a font. That is how it started. Then it snowballed from there. I have been offering fonts in your won writing since 2001. the link on the left is to the old site. The fonts on the site are still available for you to use, and if you want one in your won writing-- just follow directions on the old site! You can email me with any questions. :D shellie@scrappinfun.net